by Allan Stratton | Dec 8, 2009 | Filming Chanda's Secrets, News, Writing
Arriving on set was a blast. Everywhere I looked I saw the characters from Chanda’s Secrets come to life. In all cases, their spirit was what I’d imagined. In other cases, the actors even looked as I’d pictured them. I’ll leave those of you who...
by Allan Stratton | Dec 6, 2009 | Filming Chanda's Secrets, News, Writing
So this is the place where the production company has set me up for the week. It’s a country lodge called The Guinea Feather, about a fifteen-minute drive to the town where they shoot the Chanda and Mrs. Tafa home and street scenes. So peaceful. Here’s another shot,...
by Allan Stratton | Dec 6, 2009 | Filming Chanda's Secrets, News, Writing
GETTING THERE IS HALF THE FUNThis is the cover of the Dutch edition of Chanda’s Wars, out this January from Van Goor. I’ve included it here because I’m currently in the Amsterdam airport. I left home June 4 at 2:00 p.m., arrived here at 7:00 a.m. December 5, and am...
by Allan Stratton | Dec 4, 2009 | Writing, X-tra Stuff
By the time you hear from me next — Monday or Tuesday — I’ll be in South Africa.In the meantime, I thought you might like to meet my editors, Soly and Misha. They’re one and a half. It’s nice to have editors so young, because at that age they can’t read...
by Allan Stratton | Dec 2, 2009 | X-tra Stuff
I swore I’d never do this. That I’d stay pure. That I’d save my writing for my books.“Everyone’s doing it,” my editor coaxed. “But once I’ve done it, I’ll have to keep on doing it,” I said. “My friends who blog do it two or three times a week. They’ve addicts.” “But...